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Face & Neck Lift

Facelift surgery; It is an aesthetic operation that is frequently preferred for facial rejuvenation and makes the person look much younger by removing the signs of aging on the face. Today, many cosmetic and medical procedures are performed for facial rejuvenation. The domain of many of these processes is much more superficial issues. face lift; It provides a much more holistic rejuvenation by eliminating skin irregularities around the face, neck and ears.


Who is Suitable for Face Lift Surgery?


Facial rejuvenation surgery is a comprehensive operation and approaches the face holistically. It is much more suitable for people aged 50 and over who have often had deep signs of aging. However, due to genetic or environmental conditions, skin aging may have started much earlier. In such cases, a facelift can be performed at a much earlier age.


People who are much younger and have sagging and wrinkles in certain areas can benefit from mini facelift. Mini face lift surgery; These are surgeries where patients aged 40 years and older can get rid of signs of aging with much more minimal interventions.


Face lift is one of the most effective rejuvenation applications that removes deep sagging on the skin, skin accumulations and the appearance of wrinkles. However, a person who decides to have a facelift should know the scope of the surgery well and be informed about the possible results in advance.


The most important factors that determine whether a facelift is suitable or not are; age, degree of aging, sagging and changes in facial anatomy due to aging. By evaluating all criteria, it can be determined whether you are suitable for facelift surgery.


How is Face Lift Surgery Performed?


Facelift   is an operation that can take approximately 3 to 6 hours under general anesthesia. The operation starts from the scalp section above the ear and the section up to the back of the ear is removed with the help of a surgical incision. Sections with muscle softening that cause facial sagging are lifted up with special sutures.


Then, the cheek, temple, chin and forehead areas are intervened and the excess skin in these areas is eliminated. At the same time, if there is a low eyebrow, it can be corrected in this part with Brow Lift Aesthetics. The appearance of deep lines, especially in the cheek area, is minimized with facelift surgery.


Along with face lift, if necessary, procedures such as eyelid aesthetics and neck lift can be performed together.


What is the Post-Surgery Recovery Process?


After the facelift, the patient is kept under observation in the hospital for 2 days in general. In this process, if done, the stitches on the eyelid are removed and the drain is removed. It is quite normal to have edema and swelling in the face area in the first days. It will decrease by itself after a while, cold compress can be done during this process. At the same time, facial numbness may occur in the first days.


It is quite normal to have bruising and mild pain on the face. After the first week, its appearance will decrease. The dressing made after facelift surgery is opened 2 days later. You should act in accordance with your doctor's instructions so that there is no problem with facial infections and stitches. You can take a shower after 3 days, provided that you pay attention to the face area. If the person who has had facelift surgery is a man, he should not shave for the first 3 weeks. Afterwards, the person can shave whenever he/she wishes by taking care of the ear area.


Heavy sports and activities should be avoided for the first 2 weeks. All stitches are removed within 1 week, after which the patient can return to his daily life.


What should be the expectation after face lift surgery?


As mentioned at the beginning, facial rejuvenation methods are done to make the person look much younger than they are. If we look at the appearance of the person after the facelift or the comments of the facelift surgery, many people are quite satisfied with their new appearance at the end of the process.


However, most of the time, the reasons underlying the request to have facial rejuvenation applications are not only focused on the improvement of physical appearance. At the same time, the person expects the psychological state of aging to improve.


Are the Results of Face Lift Surgery Permanent?


Facelift surgery is one of the operations that give the best results in terms of the permanence of the results among the facial rejuvenation procedures. After facelift surgery, the skin gets a much younger and more dynamic appearance. Facelift results are permanent.


In the short term, it is not possible for the skin to return to its former appearance. However, it should not be forgotten that the aging process of the skin continues as the person ages. The signs of aging seen over time can be removed with minor interventions.


Will there be a scar after the operation?


One of the most frequently asked questions by people after facelift surgery is whether there is a scar after the facelift surgery. The main point of facelift surgeries is that no visible scars are formed by bringing the sutures to parts such as the scalp or behind the ear.


After the facelift surgery, the scar formed behind the scalp will gradually change color after about 7 days and will begin to open and become much less visible. After the facelift, the scar will take on a color much closer to your body over time and there will be no disturbing image.



Neck Lift


Neck Lift or Neck lift operation is a type of operation applied to patients who show signs of aging in the jawline and neck areas. Neck lift surgeries can be performed in the following cases:

loose skin on the neck,


Excess fat and skin causing sagging on the jawline


Fat areas under the chin.


Hereditary factors, environmental conditions and excessive stress can cause sagging skin on the neck.


What is a Neck Lift?


Neck lift is a set of surgical procedures that can be applied against sagging in the neck and jowl part caused by aging, genetic problems or excessive weight gain and loss at a young age. Some patients experience this even though the skin in other areas is firm and healthy. In these cases, a neck lift alone will help them get rid of this problem. However, patients often undergo neck lift operations, as well as face lifts, brow lifts, fat transfers and eyelid surgeriesThey prefer additional operations like  . In this way, they can rejuvenate their entire face and achieve a youthful appearance.


Let's briefly explain what these additional processes do so we can paint you a better picture.


Brow Lift: Brow lift procedures correct deep-seated or drooping eyebrows.


Fat Transfer: As the name suggests, these processes involve transferring fats around the face. Surgeons transfer fat to the lips and cheeks to add fullness. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles.


Eyelid Surgery: This operation reshapes aging eyes, giving them a youthful and rested appearance.

A neck lift, when combined with these procedures, can make a person look ten years younger.


What to expect from neck lift surgery


Neck lift surgeries are only restorative procedures. They do not change the basic appearance of the patient. If that's what you're after, you should look into more surgical facial reconstruction operations.

Neck lift surgeries cannot stop the aging process. You will definitely look younger after neck lift; However, the effects of this operation will naturally fade over time.

How Can You Prepare for Neck Lift Surgery?

As a patient, there are some precautions you can take to reduce the chances of any complications.


Diet and medications


If you are taking aspirin or any other blood-thinning medication, you should stop taking it one week before surgery. Otherwise, some complications may arise. You should also pay attention to what you eat. Eating light foods until your surgery can definitely affect how your body copes with this process.


Other factors


If you smoke, you should stop smoking before surgery. Smoking can slow the healing of your wounds. Also, smoking has been proven to accelerate the aging process. You should try to let it go completely.

You will not be eligible to drive after surgery due to the effects of the anesthesia. For your information, we leave our patients to their accommodation in our VIP vehicles. You are taken from the house before the operation, and after the operation, you are dropped off at your home, hotel or airport/bus station by the vehicles provided by Clinicexpert.


How Is The Whole Process Of Neck Lift Surgery?


We will examine the neck lift surgery process under three headings: before, during and after the surgery.


Before Surgery

You will first meet with our healthcare consultants and together you will discuss your goals and expectations for surgery. After doing some analysis, your doctor should decide which surgical method is more suitable for you.


It is essential to reach the wishes of our patients. If you choose to have your surgery in our hospital, our surgeons will prepare a plan to meet your demands.


During the Operation

When you're ready for surgery, doctors will administer local anesthesia. This eliminates the chance of feeling pain. After that, your surgeon will begin the operation.


Liposuction is the most common method in neck lift operations. Liposuction You will get rid of excess fat on your neck with it. However, liposuction It is not effective against sagging. Your surgeon may use a different method to correct sagging.


Stretching the skin is effective against loose skin cases. Your surgeon cuts a small line under your chin. It takes your skin from your neck, lifts it and carefully stretches it. After our surgeons get the ideal tension, they remove the excess skin.


After Surgery

You will likely experience some swelling and bruising after the surgery. You may need to wear protective products to reduce the possibility of any risk. Your doctor will also prescribe you some medications  .


Recovery Period After Neck Lift Surgery


The swelling and bruising we just mentioned will get worse after the second day. But after a few days they will start to disappear.


The doctor will remove the bandages and dressings after a week. Your wounds will have healed by the second week after your surgery. However, you should not do heavy physical activity until the fourth week.


You should avoid contact with water for a few days at least until your bandages are clean.


During the recovery period, you may experience stiffness and some numbness in your neck muscles. This is normal.


You should avoid alcoholic beverages and smoking, and limit your stress levels and sun exposure.


If you follow your doctor's recommendations carefully, you will avoid any complications.


Do Insurance Companies Cover Neck Lift Surgery?


Most health insurance companies do not cover cosmetic surgeries as they are optional procedures. But you should check to be sure.


Alternative Procedures to Surgical Neck Lift

Some people are not fans of surgical interventions. However, some non-invasive treatments can be effective alternatives to surgical neck lift procedures.


Ultherapy (Non-Surgical Stretching Treatment)


Ultherapy treatments use ultrasound energy to correct sagging loose skin in the neck area. If you're looking for a non-surgical neck lift treatment, this might be it. Because these treatments don't require surgery, you don't have to worry about hospital stays.


Neck Exercises

If you are looking for a more natural neck lift treatment, you can try doing some neck exercises. You can improve blood circulation in your neck by doing neck exercises. This tightens sagging skin.


Are You Planning a Neck Lift Surgery?

Neck lift prices are actually cheaper in Turkey compared to those in the EU or the USA. You can achieve your aesthetic goals and travel at the same time. If you're interested, we'd be happy to tell you more about neck lift costs.

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Shine Health Group has more than 10 years of experience with excellent results, visitors from all over the world, global recognition and high service quality. We bring our patients from many parts of the world, especially from European and Middle Eastern countries, with accurate and reliable health services.

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